ISC DHCP 4.2.6b1 is now available for download

Shawn Routhier sar at
Thu Jan 23 00:10:42 UTC 2014

ISC DHCP 4.2.6b1 is now available for download.

This is the first beta release of 4.2.6, a maintenance release for 4.2.
A list of the changes in this release has been appended to the end
of this message.  For a complete list of changes from any previous
release, please consult the RELNOTES file within the source
distribution, or on our website:

This release, and its OpenPGP-signatures are available now from:


ISC's Release Signing Key can be obtained at:

                        Changes since 4.2.5

- Address static analysis warnings.
  [ISC-Bugs #33510] [ISC-Bugs #33511]

- Silence benign static analysis warnings.
  [ISC-Bugs #33428]

- Add check for 64-bit package for atf.
  [ISC-BUGS #32206]

- Removed unused variable. Presence of this variable caused build error
  when the --enable-delated-ack configuration option was specified.
  [ISC-BUGS #32701]

- Use newer auto* tool packages and turn on RFC_3542 support on Mac OS.
  [ISC-Bugs #26303]

- Remove a variable when it isn't being used due to #ifdefs to avoid
  a compiler warning on Solaris using GCC.
  [ISC-Bugs #33032]

- Add a check for too much whitespace in a config or lease file.
  Thanks to Paolo Pellegrino for finding the issue and a suggestion
  for the patch.
  [ISC-Bugs #33351]

- Added a sleep call after killing the old client to allow time
  for the sockets to be cleaned.  This should allow the -r option
  to work more consistently.
  [ISC-Bugs #18175]

- Missing files for ISC DHCP Developer's Guide are now included in
  the release tarballs. To generate this documentation, please use
  make devel command in doc directory. [ISC-Bugs #32767]

- Update client script for use with openwrt.
  [ISC-Bugs #29843]

- Fix the socket handling for DHCPv6 clients to allow multiple instances
  of a client on a single machine to work properly.  Previously only
  one client would receive the packets.  Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat
  for the bug report and a potential patch.
  [ISC-Bugs #34784]

- Added support for gentle shutdown after signal is received.
  [ISC-Bugs #32692] [ISC-Bugs 34945]

- Enhance the DHCPv6 server logging to include the addresses that are assigned
  to the clients.  This can be enabled by defining LOG_V6_ADDRESSES in site.h.
  [ISC-Bugs #26377]

- Fix an operation in the DDNS  code to be a bitwise instead of logcial or.
  [ISC-Bugs #35138]

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