server sends fqdn option in wrong format

Ron Broersma ron at
Tue May 1 15:34:28 UTC 2012

I'm using DHCPv6 to assign IPv6 addresses and names to clients.  I've configured the server to send the FQDN in response to an FQDN option request (option 39).

Example host declaration:

host {
	hardware ethernet 84:2b:2b:97:03:27;
	fixed-address6 2001:480:10:62::1086;
	option dhcp6.fqdn ""; 

When the server sends the FQDN option in response to a FQDN option request option, the server is not formatting it correctly.   The flags field is totally missing, and the domain name is not encoded in proper "on-the-wire" format (in accordance with RFC 3315 section 8).

Packet contents for this option looks like this...

(interpreted by wireshark)

            Fully Qualified Domain Name
                option type: 39
                option length: 27
                0110 1... = Reserved: 0x0d
                .... .1.. = N: N bit set
                .... ..0. = O: O bit cleared
                .... ...0 = S: S bit cleared
                Malformed DNS name record (MS Vista client?)

0100  80 00 10 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 27 00   ..............'.
0110  1b 6c 69 62 72 61 72 79 33 2e 73 64 2e 73 70 61
0120  77 61 72 2e 6e 61 76 79 2e 6d 69 6c     

Start at byte 113.  0027 = (option) 39.  001b = (length) 27 (should be 28, to include flags).
Byte 121 should be the flags, but instead it is the first letter of the domain name ('l').
The domain is separated by periods instead of lengths (not encoded).

Seems like a bug to me.


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