"unsetting" global options for a host

Rick Coloccia coloccia at geneseo.edu
Mon Jan 30 17:16:10 UTC 2012


The message below went out to the list in April 2010.  I need to do the 
exact same thing, albeit for a slightly different reason.  I need to set 
a global "filename" option for netbooting most hosts, but we have some 
hosts that need to netboot but not receive a filename option at all from 
the dhcp server.

As far as I can see by searching the list archives, no one responded.  
Is this not possible?   Thoughts?  Thanks, folks!!

I am running Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.1.2b1 on CentOS 
release 5.7 running this kernel: 2.6.18-238.12.1.el5PAE #1 SMP.


Is it possible to locally (at host declaration level) "unset" or "undefine" a general (top-level) option?

We've got a broken printer which can't handle the provided netbios-scope information properly.

So I'd like to override our netbios globally-set options: not by setting a different value, but by
deleting or unsetting the options. So that this host won't get that options, as if they had never
been set.

We are running version 3.1.1-7.12 on SLES 11

Thanks in advance and best regards,

Luis Hernandez

Rick Coloccia, Jr.
Network Manager
State University of NY College at Geneseo
1 College Circle, 119 South Hall
Geneseo, NY 14454
V: 585-245-5577
F: 585-245-5579

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