Re-syncing leases between primary and secondary

Duguay, Gerard gerard at
Tue Jan 24 19:31:16 UTC 2012

We recently upgraded our primary and secondary DHCP servers to v4.2.3, and in the process overlooked editing the secondary configuration file. This resulted in having two primary DHCP servers battle one another for several days before the oversight was found. We corrected the configuration (and our build documentation) so that we are back in a good primary/secondary pairing, but notice there are inconsistencies in the active leases between the two servers (e.g. a single IP address is leased to two different devices depending on which server you look at.)

Does anyone know of a way to manually trigger a re-synchronization between the pairing? We have another week before leases expire...

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Gerard Duguay
Seattle Pacific University

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