DHCP Failover and Performance

Friesen, Don LCTZ:EX Don.Friesen at gov.bc.ca
Wed Feb 22 14:54:53 UTC 2012

>2) If you have a widespread outage (such as an area-wide power cut), 
>then on power resumption you'll have a very significant peak.

   There is also power management policy to consider.  We only have 100k leases in our lease database, but the powers that be have decided to enforce policy to reduce power consumption.  They remote manage all the workstation to power off in the evening, and back on at 7am every morning.  They have not staggered the resumption.  At 7:00:00 100,000 workstations wake up and talk to our servers.  I really can't get an accurate count as to packets per second, because there is evidence that packets are dropping off the UDP buffer (a sniffer sees different a packet set, and they don't match up).  After 20 minutes everyone has their lease.

   Our default lease duration is 16 days.


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