change ip address every 6 hours

Constantin Stefanov cstef at
Wed Feb 15 08:57:28 UTC 2012

Yannick CHAMPS wrote:
> could you kindly share a sample of dhcpd.conf which changes randomly
> subscribers ip addresses every 6 hours ?
You can try set your pool size to a little less than total number of
clients (but more than number of active clients at any given time), and
max lease time to 6 hours.
Thus active client will continue to renew leases and will not have
problems with changing IPs, but clients that go off and on will take
different IPs with good probability (because there is not enough IPs in
pool for every potential client).

But this config is dangerous: if you will underestimate needed pool
size, then some clients will not get address at all and your support
phone will blow up.

So as it was said it generally a bad idea.

Constantin Stefanov,

Research Computing Center
M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University

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