Regarding DHCP-4.2.3-P2??

Gerald Vogt vogt at
Thu Apr 19 06:42:28 UTC 2012

On 19.04.12 08:35, ameen.shajahan at wrote:
> We can't run two instance at a single time.
> We have only one executable dhcpd.
> Is there any way to run two instances at a time.
> If I give ./dhcpd -d -4 -6 eth0 (it throw a message called Server cannot run in both IPv4 and IPv6 mode at the same time.)

You can run the dhcpd binary twice. One instance for DHCPv4 and one for

You create two different config files. The first contains the
configuration for DHCPv4 and the second contains the configuration for
DHCPv6. For example, you call the first one /etc/dhcpd.conf and the
second one dhcp6d.conf.

Then you run dhcpd twice:

# dhcpd -4 -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf
# dhcpd -6 -cf /etc/dhcp6d.conf

Now you have two instances of dhcpd running: one is serving dhcpv4
leases and one is serving dhcpv6 leases.



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