option space and vendor-class-identifier

Frank Bonnet f.bonnet at esiee.fr
Mon May 2 12:54:04 UTC 2011


We are seting up a DHCPD server (4.2.1-P1) and I am a bit confused
with the vendor-class-identifier statement.

We have a lot of dual boot systems ( Windows XP/7 linux Debian )

Actually we are using static IP for all of our clients but we
need to migrate to DHCP for internal reasons and software use.

The dhcpd server will be configured with @MAC - @IP static mapping
in dhcpd.conf in order clients keep ALWAYS the same IP address

I've read some online documentation and found VENDOR ENCAPSULATED 
OPTIONS documentation , is there a list somewhere of 
vendor-class-identifier ? or do I have to check manually all of our PC 
to get this information ?


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