ddns-hostname and ipv6

Paul Ebersman ebersman at isc.org
Mon Jan 31 01:56:53 UTC 2011

kritek> I'm trying to achieve the same thing as the following for dhcpv6:

kritek> ddns-hostname = pick (option fqdn.hostname, option host-name, concat
kritek> ("dhcp-", binary-to-ascii (10, 8, "-", leased-address)));
kritek> option host-name = config-option server.ddns-hostname;

Try adding "option fqdn.fqdn" and "option dcp6.fqdn" to the pick list.

You'll also need to make sure the client is actually sending the

With ISC dhclient -6, something like this:

 send fqdn.fqdn "hostname.ipv6.example.com";
 send fqdn.encoded on;
 send dhcp6.fqdn "hostname";

 also request fqdn, dhcp6.fqdn;
 request domain-name-servers, fqdn.fqdn;

Current man pages are not very clear on this; we're working on better
examples and docs.

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