dhclient question?

David W. Hankins dhankins at isc.org
Thu Mar 18 22:37:40 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:58:32PM -0400, Kyle McDonald wrote:
> I recently looked at teh /var/lib/dhclient/dhclient-eth1.leases file for 
> another reason, and what I see leads me to beleive it is adding an 
> additional lease {...} section to this file everytime the address is 
> renewed?

Yes, that's the way it's intended to work.  It's a problem on some
bad situations, like where the client gets the idea it has a 1 second
renew time, but usually doesn't bother since the period between renews
is usually quite large, and the lease records relatively small.

Been on our list for feature improvements for some time.  The
replacement/updated system needs to preserve old leases beyond the
currently active one, because we want to be able to perform "IPv4 DNA"
like is done on other modern commercial operating systems, so the
client can resume an active lease on any of multiple networks if it
can detect which network it's reattached to (right now we keep the
old lease data around, but only pick one lease to INIT-REBOOT and if
that times out go straight to INIT).

David W. Hankins	BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer		There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.		http://bind10.isc.org/
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