Loggin option 82 AID and CID

Blake Griffin blake at ccfargo.com
Tue Jun 29 01:38:02 UTC 2010

Ran into a problem logging AID and CID information using the following:


  on commit


                log (info, concat(

                "==> STB Lease ",binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".",

                " from MAC

                " (",pick-first-value(option host-name,"---"),")",

                " assigned to AID: ",pick-first-value(option

                " CID: ",pick-first-value(option

                " has committed"




This should result in a log message like this:


==> DATA Lease from MAC 0:30:18:b0:dd:74 (AMBER-NEW)
assigned to AID: N1-2-8-1-1-OntEth1-1 CID: n1-1-vb11-464-vlan10 has


However it does not.  It ends after the AID entry unless I put in a
substring statement with the exact number of characters.  I then also
have to do this for the CID as well to get the whole statement.  The
problem with this is that I believe the agent.remote-id and
agent.circuit-id are variable.  Can anyone explain to me this behavior
and give me any direction on correcting it?




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