ipv6 ddns dhcp-4.1.1rc1

"Lorenz Röhrl" sheepshit at gmx.de
Wed Jan 27 13:54:41 UTC 2010


i'm trying to get DDNS working via IPv6. But all i get is the following
Unable to add forward map from abcd.test6.net to fd23:2323:2323::40:
connection refused

My DNS-Server is on a seperate machine.
I did run tcpdump on the outgoing interface of the dhcpd and didn't see any
packets leaving. It seems like dhcpd tries to update a local dns server
(which isn't there).

How can i specify which dns-server to use for updates? The keyword
"primary" inside the zone-statement doesn't seem to accept ipv6-addresses.

Here is a part of my config:
ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-domainname "test6.net";
ddns-rev-domainname "ip6.arpa.";
ddns-updates on;
option dhcp6.name-servers fd23:2323:2323::1000;
subnet6 fd23:2323:2323::/64 {
range6  fd23:2323:2323::23 fd23:2323:2323::42;

Thanks in advance

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