dhcpd 4.1.1 & 4.0.2b1 on NetBSD/i386 5.0.2

Ray Phillips r.phillips at uq.edu.au
Tue Apr 27 09:17:45 UTC 2010

I installed dhcpd 4.1.1 from source on a NetBSD/i386 5.0.2 machine 
for the first time today on a machine that had previously been 
running dhcpd 3.1.3 using these commands (after first editing 
includes/site.h to set the correct LOG_LOCAL channel):

% /usr/bin/time sh -c 'CFLAGS="-static" ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc 
--disable-dhcpv6 > configure.log 2>&1'
        36.14 real        18.68 user        15.12 sys
% /usr/bin/time sh -c 'make > make.log 2>&1'
       103.61 real        89.60 user        11.92 sys
% su
# /usr/bin/time sh -c 'make install > make-install.log 2>&1'
         7.71 real         2.39 user         3.51 sys

All went well, except that make-install overwrote the existing 
/etc/dhclient.conf and /etc/dhcpd.conf files.  That shouldn't happen 
should it?

I also attempted to compile dhcpd 4.0.2b1 on a NetBSD/i386 5.0.2 
machine which didn't have perl installed and make complained:

% /usr/bin/time sh -c './configure --disable-dhcpv6 > configure.log 2>&1'
         7.47 real         3.77 user         2.42 sys
% /usr/bin/time sh -c 'make > make.log 2>&1'
        11.97 real         4.87 user         4.00 sys
% cat make.log
Making all in bind
Configuring BIND Export libraries for DHCP.
configure: error: Internal symbol table requires perl but no perl is found.
Install perl or explicitly disable the feature by --disable-symtable.
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in 
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/home/ray/installers/isc/dhcp/4/4.2/4.2.0b1/dhcp-4.2.0b1

So I tried using --disable-symtable:

% /usr/bin/time sh -c './configure --disable-dhcpv6 
--disable-symtable > configure.log 2>&1'
         7.41 real         3.87 user         2.33 sys
% /usr/bin/time make
Making all in bind
Configuring BIND Export libraries for DHCP.
configure: error: Internal symbol table requires perl but no perl is found.
Install perl or explicitly disable the feature by --disable-symtable.
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in 
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/home/ray/installers/isc/dhcp/4/4.2/4.2.0b1/dhcp-4.2.0b1
        11.10 real         4.87 user         4.00 sys

Perhaps it doesn't make sence to try to build 4.0.2 without perl--I 
don't need to, I just thought I'd experiment.  However, the error 
message generated by make seems to be incorrect, since using 
--disable-symtable made no obvious difference, so I thought I'd 
report it.


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