using the control object

Tom Schmitt TomSchmitt at
Mon Mar 23 14:01:44 UTC 2009


I have two questions regarding the control object mentioned in man dhcpd (I use ISC dhcpd 3.1.2).

In the man page there is mentioned that you can shutdown the server by setting the control object to 2. With the advantage that the second server does know about the shutdown and can serve the whole pool without the mctl seconds to wait.

My question : Is there any disadvantage to use this method? Is there any situation where you shouldn't use the control object and make a shutdown via kill -TERM instead? Or should the control object be the only method used, even for a short shutdown/reboot to reload the configuration?

The second question is: In the man page you are only giving the value 2 for the control object as an example of how to use it. Whats about other values? What does the control object do if I set it to 1 or to 0?

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen:

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