How can one run several dhcpd on a single machine?

Gordon A. Lang glang at
Thu Jun 4 12:10:55 UTC 2009

First, you compile dhcpd with "USE_SOCKETS" defined in includes/site.h and 
"ALIAS_NAMES_PERMUTED"  not  defined in includes/cf/sunos5-5.h, for a 
Solaris box -- or other config file corresponding to your platform.  Then 
you set up a separate ip address for each dhcpd instance to listen on, most 
cleanly on separate loopback interfaces, and launch each dhcpd instance with 
the loopback interface name specified on the command line.

Gordon A. Lang  /  313-819-7978

Subject: How can one run several dhcpd on a single machine?

>I decided to use several dhcpd servers on a single machine each for
> certain set of subnets. But I can't launche more than one dhcpd
> process.
> How to do it?
> Thanks.

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