Permit/Deny MAC Addresses per subnet

Ryan Harden hardenrm at
Fri Jul 31 20:21:22 UTC 2009

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I have an interesting problem that I'd like suggestions on how to resolve.

I need to build a DHCP server that will serve a few hundred subnets.
There are specific security requirements for each of these subnets.
There are a handful of techs that have permission to work on each or
some of these subnets. I need each tech to be able to DHCP from a small
pool within each subnet. So I need some MAC addresses to be allowed on
certain subnets, but not others.

I had originally planned on creating separate files for each group of
allowed MAC addresses and $INCLUDE-ing these files within the subnets
for which the groups are allowed. Having done so, I'm reminded by the
'dhcpd -t' command that a "host" statement is allowed exactly once and
is global regardless of context within within the dhcpd.conf file.

So I actually have two problems:
1) A MAC address can only show up once within dhcpd.conf.
2) All "host" entries are global, which leads me to believe that if a
client matches a "host" entry anywhere in the file, it will be able to
request an address for any "subnet" configured therein.

I run several ISC-DHCPD servers now but am unable to come up with a
solution to my problem given my current knowledge of dhcpd.conf.

Are my assumptions correct? Suggestions??

- --
Ryan M. Harden, BS, KC9IHX		Office: 217-265-5192
CITES - Network Engineering		Cell:  	630-363-0365
2130 Digital Computer Lab		Fax:    217-244-7089
1304 W. Springfield	 		email:  hardenrm at
Urbana, IL  61801 			

	 University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign
               University of Illinois - ICCN
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