ISC DHCP 4.2.0a1 is now available

David W. Hankins dhankins at
Tue Dec 8 23:21:27 UTC 2009

On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 12:40:08AM +0100, Rudy Zijlstra wrote:
> For embedded setups that include DHCP but do NOT include bind, it might be 
> very usefull to be able to disable the dynamic update completely in the 
> ./configure and fully exclude the code in the compiled binary.

It's not just for DDNS; we want to use libdns for regular domain
resolutions (if you configure "option routers;",
we perform that lookup and send the IPv4 address on the wire).  We
need BIND's DST library for OMAPI's keying system.  We may not
actually know how deep that rabbit hole goes...

libisc in particular is something we want to develop tighter
integration with over time; using its timer/scheduling system
and so forth.  We're already falling into its select loop.

So you'd have to peel off a lot of features before you could drop
these new libraries, and then you're just back not far from where we
started in the first place...which wasn't a great place to begin with.

> Embedded systems are often running from flash and memory contraint.

We already knew that the DHCP package is problematic on initial
environment and embedded environments.  There are bigger, older
problems especially for the relay and client that wind up taking along
a lot of baggage that really is more important for the server (but
pervades the entire "dynamic execution environment" of our
configuration language).

So I know these new libraries make things worse, but it was already
bad.  I'm thinking at this point it would actually be easier to make a
new "embedded" version of the three daemons than to try and put them
on a diet...

Which brings me to BIND 10.  As I've written about earlier, we're
going to be using the framework of BIND 10 to build the next
generation of our DHCP software, meaning that DHCP daemons can be an
integrated component in a DNS/DHCP cluster.

In particular, serving the embedded world is one of our stated goals
for BIND 10...that's just as true for DHCP-in-BIND-10.  So the BIND 10
work is an opportunity to get that rewrite we need to build a small
system from the ground up, rather than trying to prune a tree back
into a sprout.

David W. Hankins	BIND 10 needs more DHCP voices.
Software Engineer		There just aren't enough in our heads.
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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