Peer holds all Free Leases, Why?

Martin McCormick martin at
Mon Oct 20 20:42:42 UTC 2008

	We have a fairly busy DHCP failover pair and are running
3.0.5. Things can go along for months without incident and then
the phones start to ring and the complaint is that in a given
network segment, nobody is getting a lease and the logs fill
with those dreaded "peer holds all free leases" messages.

	Last Summer, we had one subnet melt down this way and it
turned out to be a rogue device causing a number of systems to
decline their leases.

	Some of this could be due to the practice that many
clients are blocking ICMP packets through their local firewalls.

	How common is this and what can we do to either prevent
it from happening or detect the problem before it starts
effecting service?

	Thanks for any ideas.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group

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