Query on max IPV6 unicast global address assignment

David W. Hankins David_Hankins at isc.org
Wed Oct 15 14:45:44 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 05:11:08PM +0530, Vidhya Ramanathan wrote:
> I understand that multiple global unicast addresses can be assigned to a
> single IPV6 interface. How many global unicast addresses can be assigned
> to the same interface (max limit)?

In terms of IPv6 protocol limits, there isn't one I'm aware of.

In terms of DHCPv6 limits, 'as many as can fit in the payload space',
which is variable depending on context (but probably ~1,600

In terms of ISC DHCP 4 software limits, I think in 4.1.0 we added an
optional variable to determine how many addresses to give clients
(default: 1).  This tries to give the client(s) an address in each
prefix; you might configure it in the shared-network enclosing the
prefixes for example.  It should be documented in the dhcpd.conf
manpage.  There is no real fixed upper limit.

Ash bugud-gul durbatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Why settle for the lesser evil?	 https://secure.isc.org/store/t-shirt/
David W. Hankins	"If you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer		     you'll just have to do it again."
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.		-- Jack T. Hankins

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