clarification on duplicates and site-option-space parameters

Reissom Beshir Reissom_Beshir at
Thu Oct 9 17:12:00 UTC 2008


Can you confirm if the duplicates parameter only works in the context of host declaration.

    The duplicates flag tells the DHCP server that if a  request  is  received  from  a  client  that
    matches  the MAC address of a host declaration, any other leases matching that MAC address should
    be discarded by the server, even if the UID is not the same.

The reason I ask is that in another posting regarding booting parameter, it was suggested to use in the context of dynamic leases to ignore booting clients.  However the description for it states is for host declaration.

    The  booting  flag  is  used to tell dhcpd whether or not to respond to queries from a particular
    client.  This keyword only has meaning when it appears in a host declaration.

Also if you could provide an example how to use site-option-space.

Thank you,
Reissom Beshir

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