DHCP Server Configuration Problem

Claus Holm Christensen iscdhcp at claushc.dk
Thu May 29 15:44:24 UTC 2008

DÔ Phan-Cam-Thach skrev:
> Thank you so much for your answer. It helped me resolving my problem. I 
> have used this command. But i dont know why it has had no resultat until 
> i did it as you recommended. Perhaps i didn't applied this command 
> after i have modified the content of the file?

That's possible, but to know for sure, we need to know exactly what you 
did and in what order... That's very difficult to determine later ;-)

The important part is that it's working, now you can really start 
playing around with your own DHCP server.

Claus Holm Christensen

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