Class matching based on client host name

Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at
Thu May 15 14:38:43 UTC 2008

On 15 May 2008, at 15:16, Mcwilliams, Rhys (ADP DSI) wrote:

> So what should happen then is that if a user from br1 visits br2 -  
> the machine name starts with "br1-" and is therefore assigned an IP  
> out of the 10.10.10 pool.

	If you have separate DHCP servers for each site, a solution which
	I know from experience will 'just work', but doesn't scale if you
	need to distinguish between more than two categories, is to use
	the automatic classes, 'known' and 'unknown'.

	By configuring each server with a host block for every 'local'
	machine, but not for any 'foreign' one, you can use 'deny unknown'
	and 'deny known' directives to separate the sheep from the goats.

	If that's too trivial for your circumstances, you have to do it
	the way you are trying to.  I don't have the relevant experience.
	Others on the list have; it's almost certainly worth searching
	the archives for their earlier contributions on similar questions.

	I would add that you may need to consider additional cases in
	your logic for assigning classes, or else normalize the text
	strings.  For example, 'branch one' might be encoded as any of
	'BR1', 'Br1', 'br1, or 'bR1'.  If you get customers to
	'register' their MAC address with you, it may be simpler to deal
	with that than with the Windows name.

	Best regards,

	Niall O'Reilly
	University College Dublin IT Services

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