Automatic VLAN Assignment (AVA) - Problem with option routers

Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at
Wed May 14 15:57:36 UTC 2008

On 14 May 2008, at 16:33, Tarik Gasmi wrote:

> Strangely, everything is fine - the phone gets the correct router  
> option
> - when this option is specified in the host-declaration also, an not
> only in the subnet-declarations. see the following ...

	I think you'll need to look in the packets and your logs to see what's
	happening, especially on the second cycle.  The config only tells us
	what you chose to tell the server.  The packets show what's really
	happening, as do the logs (but not in quite the same detail). I
	suggest you take a look at all of these together, and come back to the
	list if you're still puzzled.

	Working backwards ...
	Can you see the router address option in what the server sends?
	If so, why would the client phone not set it?
	If not, is that because the client doesn't include this option
	in its request?
	Do your server logs make sense?

	Best regards,

	Niall O'Reilly
	University College Dublin IT Services

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