option time-offset with cable: consequences of setting to 0?

Nick Urbanik nick.urbanik at optusnet.com.au
Tue Mar 11 00:13:39 UTC 2008

Dear Folks,

So far we have had
option time-offset 36000;
hard coded in our dhcp configuration.  However, this is wrong, as in
Australia we have daylight saving and this differs according to which
geographic state we are serving.

1. What is the effect of the option time-offset, in packet cable
2. If we set it to 0, or ommit it, what consequences may there be?

3. Would it be better to set this correctly according to which state
    we are in?

    Would the resulting one-hour change in time cause any problems
    twice a year?
Nick Urbanik http://nicku.org 808-71011 nick.urbanik at optusnet.com.au
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