
Evan Hunt Evan_Hunt at isc.org
Thu Jun 12 18:22:18 UTC 2008

> again: i think there are at least two advantages to IETF DHCP's
> approach of segregating IPv6 and IPv4 configuration state betwixt
> the two protocols - DHCPv4 and DHCPv6.

Out of curiosity, what are these advatages?

I actually agree with Bill that this could be a useful feature in a mixed
IPv4/IPv6 environment.  It isn't possible with the existing option, but I
could see defining a new option for the purpose.

(Thinking out loud:  maybe an encapsulation, in which you can place all the
other options that specify addresses, using all the same semantics except
that the addresses are four times longer.  If you get an option 6, and then
another option 6 encapsulated inside an IPv6-data option, you combine the
two.  For options that can't meaningfully be combined in that manner, an
encapsulated duplicate would just be ignored.)

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