
Ted Lemon Ted.Lemon at nominum.com
Thu Jun 12 16:14:22 UTC 2008

On Jun 12, 2008, at 10:38 AM, bmanning at vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
>        what I want is for the domain nameservrer option to do what
>        is advertized... to pass a list of IP addresses to the client.

The spec was written prior to IPv6, so an IP address in the spec means  
an IPv4 address.   I'm sure you already knew that.    So in making  
this statement I think what you are really asking for is for the  
client to do something *other* than what was advertised.   So I can  
only assume that your purpose in framing your wishes in this manner is  
to try to make someone feel like they ought to fix your "bug."

This will not get you what you want, because we are unembarrassed.    
Our implementations are correct, and they work.   If you want to solve  
the problem, either implement a site-local option that does what you  
want, or use DHCPv6.   Neither of these options requires any source  
code changes.

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