matching on giaddr field

fadey fadey at
Wed Jul 23 11:32:26 UTC 2008

Hi, everyone

I have varios cisco routers that support dhcp relay. I'd like to use a
single dhcpd to serve IPs to all devices behind those routers. The
problem is that devices from a specific router have to get the IPs from
specific range. Is there a way to do it with ISC dhcpd?

For now, the only solution I see is keep adding a separate network card
for every IP range I have to serve and creating a "shared network" for
every range. However this doesn't scale well (I might run out of
avaliable slots for network cards).

I was wondering if it is possible to create a separate class for every
range matching on giaddr field. However I'm neither sure if it is
possible nor if that can guarantee that a DISCOVER came from a device
behind the router that giaddr is stating it came from.

Thanks in advance.

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