Recovering from loss of leases.dhcpd on secondary of failover pair

Nick Urbanik nicku at
Sat Jan 12 10:33:24 UTC 2008

Dear Folks,

I suffered a corrupted dhcpd.leases file on the secondary of
our DHCP servers for Victoria, Australia.  I put the primary into
partner down state, and restarted the secondary with an empty
dhcpd.leases file.

It is taking a long time for the dhcpd.leases file to grow on the
secondary, and the primary is still in partner down state, though we
haven't quite yet reached mclt, which is one hour.

The primary dhcpd.leases file currently has 967079 leases.

Is it okay to start the secondary with an empty dhcpd.leases file
while the primary is in partner down state?

I'm quite keen to get this right, as hundreds of thousands of
customers will suffer otherwise.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE        nicku at
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