is there any way to let dhcpv6 and dhcpv4 coexist?

xiaohong xiaohongch at
Wed Oct 17 04:44:47 UTC 2007

Hi all:

  I want dhcpv6 server and dhcpv4 server to run in the same machine of the
same interface, is there any way that could make them coexist?

  I tried on my machine (geentoo ) as :

Gentoo # dhcpd -4 -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf eth1


Gentoo #dhcpd -6 -cf /etc/dhcpv6.conf -lf /tmp/leases eth1 -d 

        There's already a DHCP server running.


 I tried on a virtual machine (Ret hat as4), dhcpv6 server and dhcpv4 server
both works all right.

      [root at xx server]# ps -elf | grep dhcp

4 S root      3217  2906  0  76   0 -  1308 select 03:59 pts/0    00:00:00
dhcpd -6 -cf /etc/dhcpv6.conf -lf /tmp/test.leases eth0 -d

5 S root      3738     1  0  76   0 -  1588 select 04:22 ?        00:00:00
dhcpd -4 -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf -lf /tmp/dhcp.leases eth0

Why could dhcpv6 server and dhcpv4 server coexist on virtual machine, but
can't on my gentoo machine?

 As my view, Dhcpv4 bind to port 67/68 while dhcpv6 bind to 547/548, they
could coexist, am I right?




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