dhcpd and ddns: updating only certain dns servers

Christoph Kaegi kgc at zhwin.ch
Wed May 9 09:10:17 UTC 2007

Hi List

We have separate sets of DNS servers for the inside and outside
of our network.

Currently, clients get their addresses from the dhcp server and
get their names updated automatically on the internal nameservers.

Now we would also like to dynamically update the external nameservers,
but *only* with the names of those clients, that are visible from
the internet. Clients that can't access the internet directly
should not get their names published to the external nameservers.

After all I've read I've not found a way to realize this with 
dhcpd-3.0.4. Can anyone acknowledge this or (much better:) tell
me how this could be done?

Thanks in advance

Christoph Kaegi                                           kgc at zhwin.ch

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