Leasequery and fixed-address

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Wed Jun 20 17:52:30 UTC 2007

At 15:29 +0200 20/6/07, Stéphane Brot wrote:
>I'm testing LEASEQUERY with 3.1.0rc1 .
>It works fine with dynamic hosts but with 
>fixed-address hosts, it gives an 
>DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN answer. After some tests with 
>dhcpleasequery.c, I understand that 
>fixed-address hosts are not considered as 
>'lease'  ( lease == NULL ).
>Would it be possible to answer DHCPLEASEACTIVE 
>if the query match the host declaration from the 
>config file ?

Isn't this the sort of thing that reserved leases were supposed to deal with ?

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