so many lease records for one lease

Richard Offer offer at
Sun Jan 21 23:55:05 UTC 2007

On 1/21/07 3:20 PM, "Simon Hobson" <dhcp1 at> wrote:

> The actual lease database is (as David pointed out) in memory.
> However, the rfc specifies that before a lease can be given to a
> client a permanent record of it must have been written to
> non-volatile storage. This is so that should the server crash (or
> whatever), on restart it will have information on all the promises it
> made before - and so will not offer the same address to another
> client.
> In the case of the ISC server, the way they do this is to append a
> record to the leases file on disk every time anything happens which
> changes that record. Ie, the file is only ever appended to, never
> modified, which makes it simple quick and safe to do.

What if the host is deleted in memory (OMAPI) and then re-created ? From my
recent (newbie) experience, it fails to re-create it because the entry
already exists in the lease file ("key conflict").


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