dhcpd ddns request 1 sec timeout

David W. Hankins David_Hankins at isc.org
Mon Jan 8 18:01:06 UTC 2007

On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 04:50:06PM +0900, Seiji T wrote:
> > The dhcp server is single threaded, so it blocks while the dns update
> > is done. If it waits too long it may miss other incoming dhcp requests.
> I understand that but then, why is 1 sec okay and not 2 sec? Why not 500 msec?

The ddns routines use a stripped-down version of the BIND 8 "libres"
resolver library, you'll find it in the DHCP source tarball's "minires/"

The BIND 8 libres uses a structure for configurable values such as
numbers of retries and timeouts, and is granular to seconds.

client/dhclient.c:              minires_ninit (&resolver_state);
client/dhclient.c:              resolver_state.retrans = 1;
client/dhclient.c:              resolver_state.retry = 1;
common/tree.c:                  minires_ninit (&resolver_state);
common/tree.c:                  resolver_state.retrans = 1;
common/tree.c:                  resolver_state.retry = 1;
server/ddns.c:          minires_ninit (&resolver_state);
server/ddns.c:          resolver_state.retrans = 1;
server/ddns.c:          resolver_state.retry = 1;
server/ddns.c:          minires_ninit (&resolver_state);
server/ddns.c:          resolver_state.retrans = 1;
server/ddns.c:          resolver_state.retry = 1;

Asynchronous DDNS updates are on our to-do list, at which point
we'll probably return to classic DNS defaults and resume retries.

David W. Hankins	"If you don't do it right the first time,
Software Engineer		you'll just have to do it again."
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.	-- Jack T. Hankins

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