Static Entries via omapi and Groups

Martin McCormick martin at
Tue Feb 27 12:00:06 UTC 2007

We have a case of several hundred hosts who belong to one of 2
groups that are managed by rembo servers operated by a
department, here.  The only thing they have in common is that
they all have static entries and we were asked to place them in
to one group or the other so in the dhcpd.conf file, the fact
that they reside inside the group declaration gives them the
booting options they need.  The only thing I can see we can do to
differentiate them is to give them distinct mid-level domain
names such as and  So, will be the name omapi registers for a
given system.  Are there any of the dhcp options we can use that
will key on the right-most N characters of the assigned name so
that these systems will still be assigned to their proper group?

	The host name for each system may be anything from
to  The match method must
either be the substr mechanism or something that defines the
string we want as the right-most N characters since we don't know
the length of the string.  Also, we will have put that string in
the static definition so dhcpd should "know" when it establishes
that there is a static bootp entry with X name.

	While planning to begin using dynamic updates, this is
the only killer problem I can think of that could cause us grief.
Since this is a string we define and not something from the
client, I am not sure what we need to get them booted in to the
right group.  As always, many thanks.

Martin McCormick

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