2 dhcpd Instances on Same Platform? Take 2

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at thehobsons.co.uk
Thu Feb 22 08:05:57 UTC 2007

Martin McCormick wrote:

>I do wonder, however, if one could be able to run 2 instances of 
>dhcpd from the same platform, using two separate configurations, of 
>	One dhcpd would have not a single dynamic range defined
>for it and would only contain static bootp hosts.  The second
>instance of dhcpd would only have dynamic pools which would mean
>that one would only need to stop and restart it when the network
>configuration changed.

Yes, but you would need two physical interfaces, you would also need 
to have a mechanism in place to prevent the statically defined 
clients getting addresses in the dynamic pool. Assuming you have two 
ethernet ports, you could do :

dhcpd -lf leasefile0 -cf configfile0 eth0
dhcpd -lf leasefile1 -cf configfile1 eth1

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