'peer holds all free leases' query

Usman Wahid usman.wahid at asia.apple.com
Tue Feb 13 03:11:03 UTC 2007

I am one of those, who regularly get 'peer holds all free leases'  
message in dhcp log files in our failover environment. Occasionally,  
I have to stop the daemon and purge lease database on one of the  
server, when the problem gets particularly worse. We do use NTP to  
sync time. I am using V3.0.4. Is there a feature in version after  
3.0.4 that can help to alleviate this issue? I do see a mention of  
'Failover servers try harder to retransmit binding updates upon  
entering NORMAL state' in the release notes of 3.0.5rc2. Is it related?


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