lease problem

Marco Schirrmeister Marco at Schirrmeister.NET
Mon Sep 11 10:31:42 UTC 2006


I have running a dhcp server with version 3.0.3 in failover mode.

Today I received from both nodes the following message.
"peer holds all free leases"

The secondary told my that he has no more free leases.
syslog ->    total 394  free 0  backup 3  lts 1

I think thats not true, or something goes wrong.
If I look in the lease file on both nodes, there are "free" entries with
an date from 2004.

pimary node
lease {
  starts 6 2004/11/27 18:49:57;
  ends 6 2004/11/27 19:49:57;
  tstp 6 2004/12/04 19:19:57;
  tsfp 6 2004/12/04 19:19:57;
  cltt 6 2004/11/27 18:49:57;
  binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 00:80:9f:56:13:59;
  uid "\001\000\200\237V\023Y";
  client-hostname "iptouch";

secondary node
ease {
  starts 2 2004/11/30 06:54:01;
  ends 3 2004/12/01 00:05:44;
  tstp 3 2004/12/01 00:05:44;
  tsfp 6 2004/12/04 19:19:57;
  cltt 2 2004/11/30 06:54:01;
  binding state released;
  next binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 00:80:9f:56:13:2f;
  uid "\001\000\200\237V\023/";
  client-hostname "iptouch";

Any idea why the state is different on both nodes?
Why is this ip address not assignes by the primary node?
Is there a way to clean oder sync both leases files?


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