Startup sequence

Chris Miller Chris at
Wed Nov 15 15:33:52 UTC 2006

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Hi Folks,

I'm afraid something is out of whack here.

On my RedHat Fedora Core 6 server, dhcpd (version:isc-dhcpd-V3.0.4-RedHat)
starts before "ifup eth0" happens.  I didn't create this sequence, so I have
reason to believe it is correct.  But it is mysterious, nonetheless, because
dhcpd fails immediately with the message: "Not configured to listen on any

If I try to circumvent this with "dhcpd eth0" I get "No subnet declaration
for eth0 (" and again I am told: "Not configured to listen on any

In spite of the instructions, there doesn't seem to be an acceptable way to
add a subnet for

It is not clear to me how I tell dhcpd to start up, be patient and wait for
a broadcast interface to appear.

Does anybody have any advice?


 <> (Hacker at Heart)	 Fill what's empty, empty
what's full and scratch where it itches ...	
Life is a journey, not a destination.	

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