dhcpd-relay was:Multihomed pc

Jim Pazarena paz at qcislands.net
Mon Nov 13 15:42:38 UTC 2006

Simon Hobson wrote:
> Please learn to trim your quoting, and stop top posting.
> The routers do not need to set circuit-id. For details of how DHCP 
> works I recommend "The DHCP Handbook" by Ralph Droms and Ted Lemon, 
> now in 2nd edition.

just ordered. thanks for the tip!

I just switched my DHCP service from a dual /24 multi-homed circuit,
to a single eth with five /24's coming to me for DHCP assignments.

The actual /24 which my DHCP server is on does not have any devices
which need DHCP, however there is one other /24 which, when an unknown
client send his request, gets a # from the wrong pool. It gets assigned
one from the server's /24 network, and NOT it own /24 group.
yes, I do have a subnet declaration for all 6 networks, and all 6 have
there own range statement.
the server is on 209.53.238/24 and the /24 which gets the wrong is IPs
are 209.53.237/24. could the proximity of the two numbers possibly be
causing this confusion?
What else could it be?
Jim Pazarena                    work:(250)559-4444 ext 0
Box 550                         fax:559-8404
Queen Charlotte  BC  V0T 1S0    mailto:Jim.Pazarena at qcislands.net

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