Dhcpd.conf - Options Precedence

Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Sat Apr 8 14:39:07 UTC 2006

On 6 Apr 2006, at 12:26, Simon Hobson wrote:

> I have to point out here that host statements are global in scope* -

You're right. It's worth pointing this out.  It's something I didn't
understand properly when I was creating our provisioning system some
years ago.  For now, I prefer to treat the issue with a "not broken:
don't fix" approach.  What I do with fixed addresses is of course
inconsistent with how I treat the "known" leasing-only hosts. 8-)

> since this seems to be a very common issue, isn't it perhaps time
> that this was trapped and warned about during config file parsing ?

Maybe.  The "scope of their own" can be seen as orthogonal to the
other ("normal"?) scope hierarchy.  In this sense, they don't actually
interfere, so why warn?  OTOH, it is a potential source of confusion.

> The hosts concerned will inherit the subnet options, but not because
> the host declaration is within the subnet declaration, but because
> the IP address is within the subnet.

Well put.


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