AW: migration from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy deletes keys immediately

Klaus Darilion klaus.darilion at
Mon Jan 8 13:52:46 UTC 2024

Hi all!

I also know a colleague which was hit by the same issue, causing problems to their zone.

Migrating from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy can lead to operational issues. For example that problem with different algos should be mentioned in

Further, I suggest to add something like the following sentence to that article: Changing DNSSEC configuration can lead to unexpected zone changes and should be tested on dedicated test systems before. If you do this on a hidden master, you could also temporarily disable outgoing XFR by configuring 'allow-transfer {"none";};' on that zone to prevent leakage of broken DNSSEC zones. This way you can check the zone after migration and only after successful testing (i.e. using with advanced options, pointing directly to the hidden master) re-enable outgoing XFR.



Von: bind-users <bind-users-bounces at> Im Auftrag von Nick Tait via bind-users
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2023 04:01
An: bind-users at
Betreff: Re: migration from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy deletes keys immediately

On 28 Dec 2023, at 1:05 PM, Adrian Zaugg < at< at>> wrote:
2023-12-27 23:51:24: zone (signed): reconfiguring zone keys
2023-12-27 23:51:24: keymgr: retire DNSKEY
2023-12-27 23:51:24: keymgr: retire DNSKEY
2023-12-27 23:51:24: keymgr: DNSKEY (KSK) created for
policy mypolicy
2023-12-27 23:51:24: keymgr: DNSKEY (ZSK) created for
policy mypolicy

Your DNSSEC policy “mypolicy” specifies a different algorithm (ED25519) to what was previously in effect (ECDSAP256SHA256), which is why Bind generated new keys. If you want Bind to keep the old keys when transitioning to dnssec-policy you should initially specify the same algorithm in your policy.

My understanding is that after you’ve transitioned to using dnssec-policy you should be able to change the algorithm and Bind should do a graceful roll-over? Just make sure everything is “omnipresent” in your state files (in the keys directory) first.

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