dyndb ldap being raped by redhat

Marc Marc at f1-outsourcing.eu
Mon Apr 8 13:30:18 UTC 2024

I am quite a bit annoyed with how redhat has completely failed to put proper engineers on this dyndb-ldap. 

They have currently made it like this that:
- if you have an ldap server next to your named, they literally download everything from your ldap server to named. so you have data twice in memory!
- my slapd memory is 376m, my named is 966m wtf?
- you need to carefully tune your ldap limits, because they are downloading everything
- you have to change your auth to something this is allowed to do sync replication, exactly the opposite of the security I want to maintain on the dns server.

I honestly do not get what the point is of making an ldap server from dyndb. As this project says and is written everywhere it is a REMOTE DB connection not LOCAL! It seems the morons that were working on csi drivers and turned them into kubernetes drivers, are now multiplying through the redhat organisation and start fucking up other things.

Does anyone know of a fork of dyndb before Redhat started messing it up for their freeipa shit? I just need a version that was working like on el6/el7(?) which is working on el9.

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