consolidating data

John Thurston john.thurston at
Fri Sep 15 19:59:42 UTC 2023

This question involves making our BIND system work with Microsoft's DNS 
software. If this makes it off-topic, let me know and I'll be quiet 
about it.

We use ISC BIND to hold and host most of our zone data. Internally, we 
have delegated some zones, and they are held in Microsoft DNS. These 
zones are used for MS Active Directory 'Domains', and accept 
auto-registration of DNS records from authorized hosts. Because we are 
using 10-dot addresses internally, the auto-registration by hosts causes 
fragmentation of the zone data.

I recall someone once offered a bit of code to mash this zone data back 
together, so the same information can be published from two different 
DNS services. I've hunted through this list's archive and have not found 
the reference. Before I go roll my own, can anyone point me at an 
existing solution?

Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
John.Thurston at
Department of Administration
State of Alaska
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