Issue: Name (SOA) not subdomain of zone -- invalid response

Cathy Almond cathya at
Tue Jun 6 12:58:24 UTC 2023

On 02/06/2023 13:59, Jesus Cea wrote:
 > On 2/6/23 10:38, Cathy Almond wrote:
 >> Has this just started - as in, it worked before ... when?
 > No idea. We have been biten by this because a new client. The issue
 > could be for ages, no idea.> That may be so.  For the client, they're 
getting a SERVFAIL from your resolver instead of 'there is no AAAA RR 

But they should be getting a query response for the A record for the 
same name, and then using that - assuming that they do actually query 
for the A record too?

Is the client actually broken because of the broken provisioning of the 
servers for, or is the issue just the plague of log 
messages you're seeing?

(Aside: it is nevertheless a pity Huawei can't set up this delegation 
properly - it might just be an incompletely/improperly configured (maybe 
proxying?) set of load-balancers or something of that ilk).

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