Bind to Bind DNS Lookup - Returns wildcard value for defined A record

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Sun Jul 16 08:15:45 UTC 2023

On 16.07.23 02:08, OwN-3m-All wrote:
>I've got a bind recursion DNS server setup that is returning the wrong
>value for an outside domain that I also maintain and host on another server
>running a bind DNS server.  Yet Google's DNS and other major DNS providers
>respond with the correct IP address A record when querying.  I can't figure
>out why my recursion enabled instance is not returning the correct IP
>address for a specific host.  Rather, it returns the wildcard value from
>the zonefile rather than the specifically specified A record entry created
>for that host.
>It appears bind to bind is returning the wildcard value for a specifically
>defined host in the zonefile from the server it's hosted on.
>Is this a recent bug in bind?  More information about my setup and issue
>can be found here:
>From what I found online, if there's a specific host A record entry
>defined, it should always return that IP.  Wildcard is only for those not
>defined.  Yet, when I remove the wildcard from the zonefile, my bind
>recursion instance returns the correct value, but not when the wildcard
>entry is there.  But Google and other major DNS providers return the
>non-wildcard value as expected.

Please provide concrete example, I can't query nor

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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