How to update zone with dnssec-policy

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Wed Jul 5 10:13:09 UTC 2023

Am 04.07.2023 um 10:16 schrieb Matthew Seaman:
> By default, the primary server will end up with a `` zone 
> data file in text format which contains the pretty much the same RRs 
> as your master copy in git, but reformatted into a standard style, 
> sorted into order and with comments stripped[*]. Plus added DNSKEY, 
> CDS, CDNSKEY, RRSIG records from dnssec signing.
> There will be a .jnl file for each zone with the latest updates to the 
> zone -- in principle you can use rndc(8) to flush changes from the 
> journal into the main zone file, but this isn't necessary if you're 
> using nsupdate based methods exclusively to maintain the zone data.
> [*] Unless you have configured `masterfile-format raw` in which case 
> your zone files will be in binary format. 

I started now to setup everything.

To give it a try, I created a key and configured the zone to allow updates.
I documented that already for myself, maybe that is also helpful for 
someone else: 

as the link can maybe change, here a more generic one:

So far, nsdiff generates expected output, next step is now to apply the 
changes in an automated way.



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