How to update zone with dnssec-policy

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Sun Jul 2 11:27:30 UTC 2023

Dear all,

I have the following problem that changes in a zone file do not get 
active, no matter if I reload the zone using rndc or restarting bind 
9.16.42 on FreeBSD.
If I update a zone I edit the zone file, adapt the serial in the SOA and 
normally do a rndc reload

The nameserver is more or less setup like it is described here:

The zonefile for domain are in directory: 

It is not a dynamic zone file or better I cannot freeze it:
  rndc freeze
rndc: 'freeze' failed: not dynamic

But if I delete the files:

and restart bind, zone changes are correctly loaded and I can see an 
increased serial in:
dig -t soa

Would be nice if someone can explain me, how I need to edit a zone file, 
that has a dnssec-policy attached that modification get active, without 
the need to delete the `*.[jbk|jnl] files.

Thanks a lot.



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