Incremental transfers generate complete zone reloading

Fred Morris m3047 at
Sun Jan 15 20:36:31 UTC 2023

On Sun, 15 Jan 2023, Jesus Cea wrote:
> I have a huge zone receiving a constant flow of small dns updates. My 
> secondaries receive notifications and transfer the zone incrementally. Cool, 
> everything works as expected.
> [...]
> Ok, my updates are coming too fast (first line). No problem, the secondary 
> will eventually retrieve the changes. What worries me is the last couple of 
> lines: The rpz zone (big, around 800.000 domains) is being reloaded 
> constantly and it takes a couple of seconds eating CPU, when the incremental 
> changes are actually pretty tiny.
> [...] not a full zone reload taking a couple of seconds and 
> sucking an entire CPU core.

Is that a fact or conjecture?

There's a lot of "marketecture" in threat indicators generally.

We can start with notifications versus polling. Secondaries can do either. 
Tell me why one is better, other than the vendor says so. Polling just 
does an SOA query, so two UDP packets; notify sends one. Is that extra 
packet more important than control?

If this is a vendor and they're doing this why don't other customers see 
this as a problem? Is this just a "tax" for dealing with that vendor? What 
proof do you have that the CPU usage correlates, and that it's a problem? 
What are the vendor's recommendations (for provisioning and operational 
management), and are you following them?


Fred Morris

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