Seeing lots of DNS issues on OpenWRT

Greg Choules gregchoules+bindusers at
Fri Sep 23 23:29:43 UTC 2022

Hi Philip.
I echo Fred's response; why forward?
- Backup your config
- remove/comment the "forwarders {}" statement
- start a tcpdump to disc for port 53 (for evidence about what happens next)
- stop/start 'named'.
- try queries/look in the log/stop the tcpdump and analyse it in Wireshark.

As an aside, you don't need zone "." for either of two reasons:
1) If you're global forwarding the hint zone will never get used anyway.
2) If you're not forwarding, BIND has the list of root servers built in, so
defining a hint zone yourself is pointless, unless you deliberately want to
use a different set of roots (e.g. a private network, GRX or similar)

Cheers, Greg
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