Reverse lookups not working when Internet connection failed.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Fri Nov 4 16:01:48 UTC 2022

On 04.11.22 15:41, David Carvalho via bind-users wrote:
>We've had an internet failure for a few days last week and as services got
>online I found the following:
>Dns queries about my.domain from my.domain  worked as expected. Since there
>was no internet connection, I obviously couldn't  query the outside world.
>Reverse (PTR) Dns queries about my.domain from my.domain didn't work. Now
>that the internet connection is restored, everything is ok.
>The reverse entries are in the format  ""    for IP x.y.z
>Aren't they supposed to work locally when no outside connection is

if they are properly configured, yes.

> What could I be missing?

can you provide an example of an IP and configured reverse zone, and the 
zone file?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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